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During a recent drive home to visit my parents I saw a series of billboards that first made me laugh and then caused me to think about just where we are today as a society. In many ways the world isn’t too much different today than it was hundreds of years ago: As the saying goes prostitution is the oldest profession. The difference is, as a whole, what we considered wrong, sinful, and immoral in the past is now held as commonplace, accepted, and in some circumstances even right by our society.
The purpose of my project is not to debate whether or not each specific topic is right or wrong. My purpose is to show the whole, to see society as it is now. Is the world in which we now live better? Is this progress? What will the future be like?
The actions, desires and habits that define a culture tend to be similar from one generation to the next. The trend is though, that as a society, what we deem immoral and wrong today could easily be defined as normal and good tomorrow.